Rides and adventures

Adventure: an unregretted experience that elicits no desire of repetition.

The Fruit Street Detour

The ride With my handlebar bag and jersey pockets crammed with sweetened vanilla cream cheese rice blocks, I headed out this morning. An hour into the ride, I couldn’t feel my fingers. I couldn’t tell my friction shifters apart from my down tube by touch. I couldn’t pull my water bottle out of its cage. It had been a balmy 44F in Cambridge when I started out. Down the road, my thermometer read 36F.

Newton, Wellesley, and Blue Hills Reservation

The ride Oh my goodness! Look at these cute buildings! That was my inner voice throughout the ride. Today I rode a 60-miler that took me South of Boston. The route disappointed me; I wanted to get up into Lexington and Concord. There’s great biking there, and I’ve enjoyed the area. Instead, I headed off towards Dover and ugh Dedham. The houses of West Newton proved the first challenge to that disappointment.